The Feast of the Baptism of our Lord

Webmaster • January 12, 2025

THE FEAST OF THE BAPTISM OF OUR LORD reminds us that the Sacraments of Holy Mother Church are the way in which Our Lord chooses to communicate His life and Love to us in a real and tangible way, im the here and now, that in and through the Sacraments we meet the person of Christ our Lord. The summary paragraph of the Catechism of the Catholic Church (No. 1131) states: The sacraments are efficacious signs of grace, instituted by Christ and entrusted to the Church, by which divine life is dispensed to us. The visible rites by which the sacraments are celebrated signify and make present the graces proper to each sacrament. They bear fruit in those who receive them with the required


By Webmaster February 16, 2025
Diocesan Pastoral Plan: Once again, our thanks to all those who have put forward their details to help with the changing landscape of the local church. Those details have now been collated and a ‘pro temp core group’ having recently met to assist in identifying who might be ‘teamed’ with who, and matters progressed. Those who have offered to help will receive or will have received an e-mail acknowledging and thanking them for their assistance. Such a general e-mail will also include the names of the temporary ‘core team’ members, who have been delegated to contact those of you who have offered to help in the various arenas, so as to bring the differing skill sets and people together. This ‘phase’ will bring individuals together in a ‘group’ meeting which will have both a ‘social’ and ‘business’ element, the latter, in terms of what individuals are prepared to offer within the bounds of their broader responsibilities and commitments.
By Webmaster February 16, 2025
Diocesan Lourdes Pilgrimage: Applications for this summer's Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes (25-31 July by air or own transport, 24 July-1 August by coach/jumbulance) are now open on the diocesan website:
By Webmaster February 16, 2025
The Bethlehem Nativity Group is a small enterprise of Christian families in Bethlehem which endeavours to bring Holy Land gifts, particularly hand carved olive wood items, to us, here in the UK, Germany and America. They will be visiting St. Joseph’s parish NEXT WEEKEND, 22nd-23rd February, offering olive wood carvings and other artifacts for sale. Items that you may purchase will go directly to supporting the Christians of Bethlehem, now, the few guardians of the Holy City. Many thanks
By Webmaster February 16, 2025
SACRAMENTAL PREPARATION: This week, being the half-term holiday, there are no preparation classes! The programmes will continue the following week. First Holy Communion on Tuesday 25th February and Thursday 27th February respectively. For the older children, Year 5 and above, the meeting will be on Tuesday at 4.15 in the small hall and last about 1 hour. Confirmation Programme: For those who signed up, Our programme continues this T hursday, 27th February at 6 pm. Adult formation / RCIA: Will continue on Monday, 24th February at 7 pm . Given the small numbers, we will meet in the presbytery.
By Webmaster February 16, 2025
Diocesan young Adult Jubilee Pilgrimage to Rome Join our pilgrimage for young adults aged 18-30 to celebrate the special Jubilee year. Celebrate with other like-minded people, as we travel to the beautiful city of Rome for opportunities to hear from, and pray with, Pope Francis on the theme of Hope. E: for information. CLOSING DATE 31 MARCH
By Webmaster February 16, 2025
Diocesan young Adult Jubilee Pilgrimage to Rome Join our pilgrimage for young adults aged 18-30 to celebrate the special Jubilee year. Celebrate with other like-minded people, as we travel to the beautiful city of Rome for opportunities to hear from, and pray with, Pope Francis on the theme of Hope. E: for information. CLOSING DATE 31 MARCH
By Webmaster February 16, 2025
Deanery news! The next edition of the Deanery newsletter is scheduled for 8th/9th March, the 1st Sunday of Lent, and will include a report on recent events and discussions, information on forthcoming events around the Deanery, clergy biographies, and more. Lent Reconciliation Service: Bishop Richard is visiting each Deanery to celebrate Reconciliation Services and will be coming to the Epsom Deanery on Tuesday 25th March, 7pm, at St Michael’s, Ashtead. At the Deanery Clergy Meeting, it was agreed that, as a sign of our working towards greater collaboration, this would replace all other Lenten Reconciliation Services. There are, of course, the regular opportunities for Reconciliation in each community, and the opportunity for Reconciliation at the Deanery Retreat Days. Holy Hour: Bishop Richard has asked that each Deanery pray for the Diocese in a monthly Holy Hour of Adoration before the Blessed Sacrament. We’ll do this on the first Friday of each month, from 5pm to 6pm, at St Michael’s, Ashtead, including the Rosary, Scripture Reflection and Benediction. All are very welcome. Pulpit swaps : although the regular relationship between people and their clergy is one to be treasured, given that the clergy will be working as one team, it seems a good idea, every now and again, to see (and get to know a little) the other priests of the Deanery. So you may notice a ‘Pulpit Swap’ coming to a community near you! (We’ll start with priests, and then later, do a ‘Deacon swap’.)
By Webmaster February 15, 2025
Assisted Dying Bill:- Media reports this week suggest that the Cross Party Select Committee for the ‘Terminally Ill Adults (End of Life) Bill’ have extensively consulted with apparent witnesses or experts who favour assisted dying, having little consultation with any who might oppose the Bill. According to Alithea Williams, from SPUC, amongst the experts, an American doctor, and advocate of assisted suicide, “suggested that being a “burden” was enough reason to die. One doctor even said that it should be a "felony" for loved ones to “interfere with a patient’s right to make this choice”.” (see:-Pro-life advocates in UK say assisted suicide Bill ‘protections’ already being lowered | Crux ) When the Bill was tabled for a vote in Nov 2024, paragraph 12 of the Bill made very clear that a High Court Judge was to ensure that in each situation due diligence and the Law was to be followed and that the Law be adhered to; see section 12 (5) to (11) of the Bill at: Terminally Ill Adults (End of Life) Bill. Reports suggest that this judicial element, scrutiny by a High Court Judge could be lost. Many of the assurances which were initially given that the UK Law on ‘assisted dying’ would be the strictest in the world are fast eroding, which should be cause for grave concern – particularly with a view to 50 or 60 years hence and your great, great grandchildren who will be making decisions about anyone who is presently 10 to 25 years of age. If such a Bill becomes Law at this time, there is little hope for anyone in the not so distant future. In a broader context, consider these matters in the light of a dwindling population, (currently 1.45 instead of the 2.1 reproductive rate needed to sustain a population, see: ONS under people and population) and therefore, less money going into the public purse, (fewer workers and therefore fewer tax payers) with ever increasing demands on that public purse, (not a few Councils have declared or will be declaring bankruptcy, cut backs on refuse collection are also a current example) and an aging population, this Bill, should it become Law, will only become coercive, and if the American doctor gets his or her way, a ‘felony’ on your part, could well be committed. So, again, pleas write to your MP at the House of Commons, asking them to oppose the Bill. The MP for Dorking and Horley is Chris Coughlan (Lib Dem)
By Webmaster February 15, 2025
ROSARY CIRCLE FOR PRIESTLY VOCATIONS:- If you haven’t already done so, but would still like to commit to praying a decade of the Rosary each day during January, then please do put your initial or a tick in one of the boxes on the ‘Rosary Circle’ chart in the church porch. Our thanks to all those who have ‘signed up’ already to be part of the ‘Rosary Circles’. So as to keep this spiritual exercise in our minds and hearts, the first Sunday of each month is a ‘sign up’ weekend, when people can recommit to this by 'signing up again' or indeed take up this prayerful activity. Let it be said, however, that anyone can join the Rosary Circles at any time, so, even if you haven’t done so thus far, please be encouraged to do so. Details of how to be involved are on the notice in the church porch. PLEASE BE PART OF A ROSARY CIRCLE PRAYING FOR PRIESTLY VOCATIONS FROM THE PARISH! Thank you.
By Webmaster February 9, 2025
 Adult formation / RCIA: We continue our programme, looking in a practical manner at the Bible, it’s major divisions and how to use one this Monday, 10th February at 7 pm. At present, given the small number of people, we will probably meet in the presbytery
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