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029 20 623 444
As a parish we accept cash and cheque donations and there is a collection basket out at each Sunday Mass, however if you would prefer to donate by bank transfer then please use the Contact section of this website and ask for details of how to do this, set up a standing order or donate weekly using the envelope system, and If you are a tax-payer give you details of how to gift-aid your donation, which enables us to collect an extra 25% from the tax man. You can also use the SumUp card machine(s) in the church to donate and gift aid donations. Once you have registered your card on the card machine as a Gift Aid donor it will automatically treat all future donations with the same card as Gift Aided. Please note however that the card reader software is run by GiveALittle which is completely different to the church Gift Aid system so even if you have registered with the parish you will need to register again on this system.
The Diocese and all Parishes operate under two separate jurisdictions: Canon Law (492) and English Law. Canon Law includes the following:
(Canon 532) In all juridical matters, the parish priest acts in the person of the parish, in accordance with the law. He is to ensure that the parish goods are administered in accordance with canons 1281 – 1288.
In each parish there is to be a Finance Committee (Canon 537) to help the parish priest in the administration of goods of the parish, without prejudice to canon 532. It is governed by universal law and by norms issued by the Diocesan Bishop, and it is comprised of members of the faithful selected according to these norms.
Thus, Canon Law lays down the basic principles that it is the Parish Priest who is responsible for administering the temporal assets of the parish, that this must be done after taking advice from the Finance Committee (which every parish must have), and that the Bishop sets out the parameters within which that Committee operates. In addition, Canon 369 states that every parish is part of the Diocese in which “the one Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church of Christ truly exists and functions”. This means that parishes cannot operate in isolation: every parish has responsibilities to the Diocese, to other parishes, and to clergy. This explains the existence of mutual support through the central banking scheme, through the Diocesan Levy, and through ad-hoc inter-parish arrangements.
Areas for Discussion at Finance Committee
The Parish Finance Committee (PFC) meets once per quarter or more often if required, and discusses: -
The current state of the finances and any actions needed to ensure they are maintained in a healthy state.
Current and planned major expenditure – any major expenditure must be agreed by the committee.
Offertory, planned giving and Gift Aid
New initiatives such as contactless giving
Potential impact of any legal and accounting changes
Anything else that may impact the finances of the parish such as legislative changes and changes in accounting practices.
Day-to-Day Responsibilities
On a day-to-day basis members of the PFC are involved in/ responsible for: -
the counting and banking of the weekly offertory basket collection
processing Gift Aid donations and making regular claims to HMRC
processing contactless donations and the associated Gift Aid
bookkeeping – the entry into the accounts of income and expenditure and regular reconciliation of bank statements
month-end and year-end reporting, including the Annual Financial Return to the diocese each January
preparation of an annual “budget” and regular monitoring of actual performance against the agreed budget
Finance Chair: Wayne Kitcat
Finance Team Members
Wayne Kitcat - Chair
Peter Briscoe - Treasurer
Robin Potter
Marleen Coronel
Card Readers:
You can now Gift Aid your donations via the card reader:
1. Decide which card you are going to use.
2. Choose amount
3. A new screen will open asking if you would like to Gift Aid your donation
4. Choose YES or NO
5. Complete the form
6. Done.
The Diocesan Donation page is also available just make sure your donation is for Dorking St Joseph’s! Click here for link
2 Falkland Grove,
Contact the Parish:
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