
"Catechesis is nothing other than the process of transmitting the Gospel, as the Christian community has received it, understands it, celebrates it, lives it and communicates it in many ways." (General Directory for Catechesis #105)

Do you have a talent for teaching or effectively communicating, paired with a clear and profound understanding of the Gospel? We are actively seeking parishioners who possess these valuable gifts and would like to put them to meaningful use within our community. Your skills could greatly benefit those preparing for the sacraments or assist in other important parish work that requires nurturing and guidance.

If you feel called to share your talents and make a positive impact in our parish, please do let us know if you are able to assist us in this vital area. Your contribution could make a significant difference in the spiritual development of our candidates and the overall enrichment of our parish life.


Children's Liturgy

Sunday Liturgy for Children - as people's circumstances have changed the Children’s Liturgy has fallen into abeyance; so our thanks to all those who have led and been involved in the children's liturgy. If this primary work of the church is to continue and young families are to be encouraged in the practise of their faith, WE, as a parish, need to be supportive of them. can we ask then, that others will take on the responsibility for children's liturgy, this will require DBS checks and some training to assist and in due time to lead the occasional children's liturgy. Again, our thanks to all those who have assisted in this work as we look forward to others helping from September.

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