Here you will find more updated information relating to the parish and diocesan events.

By Webmaster February 9, 2025
 Adult formation / RCIA: We continue our programme, looking in a practical manner at the Bible, it’s major divisions and how to use one this Monday, 10th February at 7 pm. At present, given the small number of people, we will probably meet in the presbytery
By Webmaster February 9, 2025
 Monthly prayer hour: Takes place in the church this Thursday, 13th from 7.00 to 8.00pm with Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament. Everyone is welcome.
By Webmaster February 9, 2025
ROSARY CIRCLE FOR PRIESTLY VOCATIONS:- If you haven’t already done so, but would still like to commit to praying a decade of the Rosary each day during January, then please do put your initial or a tick in one of the boxes on the ‘Rosary Circle’ chart in the church porch. Our thanks to all those who have ‘signed up’ already to be part of the ‘Rosary Circles’. So as to keep this spiritual exercise in our minds and hearts, the first Sunday of each month is a ‘sign up’ weekend, when people can recommit to this by 'signing up again' or indeed take up this prayerful activity. Let it be said, however, that anyone can join the Rosary Circles at any time, so, even if you haven’t done so thus far, please be encouraged to do so. Details of how to be involved are on the notice in the church porch. PLEASE BE PART OF A ROSARY CIRCLE PRAYING FOR PRIESTLY VOCATIONS FROM THE PARISH! Thank you.
By Webmaster February 9, 2025
Diocesan Lourdes Pilgrimage: Applications for this summer's Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes (25-31 July by air or own transport, 24 July-1 August by coach/jumbulance) are now open on the diocesan website:
By Webmaster February 9, 2025
Parish Youth Group:- A reminder that any young people of secondary school age are welcome to meet in the church hall on Friday afternoon from 4pm onwards. Tea and toast, or if the preference is for cheese pizza, will be available. An opportunity to meet informally, ask questions and have the opportunity to grow in faith, then to end the working week with the ‘Night Prayer of the Church’ at 5.45.
By Webmaster February 9, 2025
SACRAMENTAL PREPARATION:  The programmes continue this week. First Holy Communion The programmes continue this Tuesday11th February and Thursday 13th February respectively. For the older children, Year 5 and above, the meeting will be on Tuesday at 4.15 in the small hall and last about 1 hour. For the younger children the meeting will begin at 4 pm, however, you are welcome to come to the hall from 3.30 onwards to give your child/ren a snack etc. We will be looking at chapter 7 of the books ‘Jesus Loves us all.’ It would be most helpful if all the other chapters have been covered and work is up to date. Confirmation Programme: For those who signed up, Our programme continues this T hursday, 6th February at 6 pm. (Please note the corrected time)
By Webmaster February 9, 2025
DIOCESAN EVENTS:- A Details of Diocesan and other events can be found at: Events | Our Diocese A most significant one at, is on the sanctity of human life ‘Rethinking Abortion’ next Saturday at the St. Philip Howard Centre, Crawley.
By Webmaster February 2, 2025
Mass & Meet:- Please note that Mass on Friday is at 12.00 followed by lunch in the hall. Everyone is welcome to attend, there is no charge for the food but donations are gratefully accepted.
By Webmaster January 5, 2025
Holy hour: This Thursday at 7 pm in the church there will be Eucharistic Adoration with the opportunity to reflect on the Gospel for the following Sunday, a time of silence and reflective music and finishing with praying the Rosary. Please feel free to attend for the whole hour or drop in as you are able The Gospel reflection will present some prompt questions as follows reflection. 'What does this tell us about God?' 'What does this tell us about ourselves?' 'What action is it calling us to take?' 'Who should we try to share it with?' After the 3rd reading of the scripture passage there will be a longer period of silence with one or two short periods of reflective music and prayer. The final 20 mins or so would be given to praying the Rosary.
By Webmaster December 7, 2024
Parish Christmas Buffet Lunch A big than you to all those who organised the lunch, the scribes, the shoppers, the cooks, chefs, waiters, waitresses, venue organisers and everyone who helped out in any way whatsoever.
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