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ROSARY CIRCLE FOR PRIESTLY VOCATIONS:- There is a new ‘Rosary Circle Chart’ to encourage us all to
pray for vocations to the Priesthood.
The ‘Chart’ lists the 20 decades of the Rosary and a number of columns for people to put their initial or a tick in a box
to indicate they will commit to praying the particular decade each day for the month of August, and hopefully, this will
create a number of ‘circles’ praying for this intention. This is a very simple spiritual exercise many of us could join in
with; at least 20 people praying one decade of the Rosary each day, so the whole of the Rosary is prayed for this
particular intention, thus creating a ‘Rosary Circle’. Let it be said, however, that anyone can join the Rosary Circles at
any time. Thank you.
First Holy Communion and Confirmation programmes 2024 /2025: TODAY Sunday, 6th Oct is the deadline for
returning applications to join both programmes for this academic year. Application forms are available at the
entrances to the church. Please return applications to Fr. Ian, in person, no further applications for the year 2024/ 2025
will be accepted after Oct 6th 2024.
There will be two groups preparing for First Holy Communion as there are a number of older children, in Yr 5 and
above as well as those of Yr. 3. An initial parents meeting for Holy Communion will take place on Friday 8th
November at 7pm; only one parent is required to attend, children do not need to be present.
There will be an initial meeting for the Confirmation programme on Thursday 14th November at 7 pm in the
small hall. This introductory meeting should not take more than an hour. Those who have made application to join the
programme should attend with at least one parent
2 Falkland Grove,
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